Learn the basics of yoga, review the fundamentals of yoga, build on your practice, challenge yourself to higher and deeper levels of performance, mindfulness, and awareness…all while nude with other men.
Why Nude Yoga?
Doing yoga without clothes and with other men is a wonderful male bonding and social experience. Yoga is rehearsal for your life. Continue to practice, especially on days when your legs feel like bricks or something downright crappy happened. The more you practice listening to your body and being patient and compassionate with yourself, the more you will start to notice the many benefits of yoga off your mat. Not wearing clothes is one less thing to get in the way.
It’s great for those of us who are nudists or who are more motivated to do yoga when we do it with others who are naked. I believe it helps with many postures to not have clothes in the way. And it helps with body acceptance and self-esteem. I love it!